Thursday, July 5, 2007


Originally uploaded by smalldogs
this is my leftover inventory from small dogs press.

i no longer sell my books. so if you ordered it on, or some other site, and you've gotten an email that it will be sent in X-weeks, they're lying to you.

i'm the only one who has the inventory, and i refuse to sell it for many reasons. mostly because the book industry is pretty much designed to kill off small, indie publishers and unknown writers.

i contemplated recycling these books, but instead have decided to send them on a journey. i've already sent off 5 to a friend in Australia, and another 5 to a friend here in the states.

Each books has a label inside that rants on the book industry a bit (i just can't seem to stop doing that), and asks the person who's picked it up to pass it on when they're done.

i'd rather give all my books away for free than to sell even one. it's my way of telling the publishing industry to "fuck off". although that may seem futile to some of you, it's very meaningful to me.

if you'd like to be part of the book giveaway, email me, or join the group i started here on flickr. it's my hope to send off each and every one of these books somewhere around the world, in order to get them read. not paid for, but read.

after all, that's why i wrote them in the first place.


Scoutj said...

Oooh. Can I play?

Tracy said...

i look forward to helping these books on their journey